Aug. 16th at 10am
Stream 1: Talking
Cyberspace | August 16 | 10:00 am CDT
The Radical Music Therapist: Music therapy, mutual aid and social justice
Sustained, long-term activism can have a severe impact on mental health. With insufficient access to healthcare/wellness opportunities, we frequently develop prolonged stress, trauma, anxiety, and other aspects of burnout. Many dedicated, and qualified activists become so burnt out that they have to leave the field altogether because they do not know where to get the help they need. Is there a way to prevent this? How can music therapists help to build a sustainable model for activist life?
Dorian Wallace
Community Case-Based Entrepreneurship
Exploring a community care-based approach to music entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is a popular solution to the increasingly bleak landscape of music employment. Without a collectivist framework, entrepreneurship has become another way to blame individuals for the shortcomings of systems. By examining the rhetoric of entrepreneurship (brand, hustle) and by offering less egoistic, more ethical language and practices, I hope to start a conversation about the humanity of entrepreneurship.
Zoe Sorrell
Unpacking the Art/Money Binary
Kirin McElwain
Sustainable and Ethical Contract Practices
Many artists felt the consequences of less-than-equitable contracts as the global pandemic decimated our entire work culture in a matter of weeks. This talk looks into some of the extractive practices of institutions and talks about how both artists and administrators can advocate for more ethical contract practices, to assure for a more sustainable future for our field.
Anne Leilehua Lanzilotti
Stream 2: Talking
Cyberspace | August 16 | 10:00 am CDT
New Music as Themed Experience
Kinaidd Rabb
When Will Artificial Intelligence Steal Your Job?
Robert Laidlow
Post-digital apocalypse: The Economics of Releasing Niche Music Today
What are the hurdles to releasing recordings of unusual or small-market music today? What does a label really do anymore? Why even release a record?
Phelps takes his experience working on records in all capacities on the micro-scale of self-releasing an album, and combines this with his academic work looking at the music business more macro-economically. We’ll talk about the technological, political, and economic forces that are working against a healthy music space for creators in New Music and beyond and what can be done about it.
Ben Phelps
Money and Local Government
This talk is based on my experience as an inaugural member of the City of Ypsilanti Arts Commission (Ypsilanti, MI) which was formed in the fall of 2019. I will reflect on the commission's history, challenges, and achievements, and also share my perspective as the only musician to serve on the council. I will discuss government support for music in terms of my service as well as Modern Monetary Theory, and hopefully encourage some of you to sign up for, or form, your own local arts commission!
Garrett Schumann