Day 5

Monday, August 16th

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All Events Online

Dorian Wallace - The Radical Music Therapist: Music therapy, mutual aid, and social justice [20']

Zoe Sorrell - Community Care-Based Entrepreneurship [20']

Kirin McElwain - Unpacking the Art/Money Binary [20']

Anne Leilehua Lanzilotti - Sustainable and Ethical Contract Practices [20']

Stream 2: Talking

Kincaid Rabb - New Music as Themed Experience [20']

Robert Laidlow - When Will Artificial Intelligence Steal Your Job? [20']

Ben Phelps - Post-digital apocalypse: The Economics of Releasing Niche Music Today [20']

Garrett Schumann - Money and Local Government [20']

1:00 pm CDT on YouTube

program notes]

Orbit Duo & Olivia Shortt - Bagaaskadagaazii [9']

Dilate Ensemble - Aerial [30']

Ka Hei Cheng - The Entangling Turner: Motion Sensing Electronic Instrument [10']

Duo Charango - Electrifying Guitar Repertoire [30']

ICEBERG New Music, Kinds of Kings, Tesselat - Composer Collective Panel Discussion [30']

Midnight Oil Collective - [30']

Stream 2: Talking

Tiffany Chang - Presentation of Oberlin Arts & Sciences Orchestra’s Zoom commission [30']

Strange Trace - Producing Opera in the Time of COVID [30']

5:00 pm CDT on YouTube

Pushback Collective - Float by Yi-Ting Lu [12']

Aaron Larget-Caplan - “Steps and Leaps” for guitar + electronics by Tom Flaherty [10']

Bitches Set Traps - Pay Gaps, Not Thigh Gaps [10']

Splinter Reeds -Antenna Studies” by Paula Matthusen [22']

Stream 2: Concert: watch stream 2 on YouTube

Hassan Estakhrian - Junk Food of the Sea [6']

Alexa Dexa - Bewitch Yourself [15']

Ting Luo -“Around” by Julie Barwick presented by New Arts Collaboration[7']

Leslee Smucker - In the Land of Fertile Fields”: An Improvised Film Score [9']

Andrew Hosler - 21st Century Unaccompanied Tenor Saxophone [25']

8:00 pm CDT on YouTube

program notes]

Mark DeMull - Smash & Grab: Music for Snare Drum and Fixed Media by Rusty Banks [5']

Calliope: Elizabeth McNutt and Shannon Wettstein - “Willingly” by Alex Temple [10']

Dana Jessen & Eli Stine - through a fragile traverse [21']

Dave O Mahony - iNSOMNIA [7']